How Israel Wins

That’s the name of the upcoming seminar I’m offering on Wednesday, AUGUST 14th, at 7:30 PM, ON ZOOM to explore and discuss what the Lubavitcher Rebbe had to say about Israel.

Among the tens of thousands of individuals that the Rebbe met and corresponded with daily were members of Israel’s defense and security cabinets. They’d seek counsel and guidance on matters of warfare and political strategy. What prompted them to do so?

In the words of Yehuda Avner, Israeli prime ministerial advisor, diplomat, and author, describing the Rebbe’s wisdom: “His sources were numerous and extraordinary, as was the depth of his grasp of our geopolitical strategic situation.” But it wasn’t only the Rebbe’s understanding of politics that caused others to seek his advice; it was the depth of his care for the millions of Jews living in the Holy Land.

With everything going on in Israel, the Rebbe’s insights and words are a much-needed source of inspiration and hope, now more than ever.

“How Israel Wins: The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Vision for Achieving Lasting Peace” is a one-time multimedia event taking place on July 24.  We hope this event will offer some clarity on the situation in Israel and on our role as Jews worldwide.


This seminar will be held on ZOOM

Wednesday, August 14, 2024.


Reservations required [link]

No charge

Donation of $25 appreciated

Sponsorship (will be acknowledged at the seminar) opportunities available.


Rabbi Yosef Levin